Cyprus Tax Department Clarifies Procedures for Corporate Restructuring Tax Clearances and Applications – Analysis of the explanation from the Tax Authorities dated 16/10/2024

Introduction: Defining Corporate Restructuring

For the purposes of Cyprus tax law, particularly as outlined in Part VI of the Income Tax Law, corporate restructuring encompasses several specific types of transactions. These typically include:

  1. Mergers: The combination of two or more companies into a single entity.
  2. Divisions: The separation of a company into two or more distinct entities.
  3. Partial divisions: The transfer of one or more branches of activity to another company.
  4. Transfer of assets: The transfer of all assets and liabilities of a company to one or more existing or new companies.
  5. Exchange of shares: A transaction where a company acquires a majority of the voting rights in another company.

These restructuring activities are often undertaken for various strategic reasons, including operational efficiency, market positioning, or financial restructuring. The tax implications of such activities can be significant, hence the importance of clear guidance from tax authorities.

In July 2024, the Cyprus Tax Department issued Circular xx/2024, providing crucial clarifications on the issuance of tax clearances and the application process for confirming corporate restructuring plans. This guidance aims to streamline procedures related to corporate restructurings falling under Part VI of the Cyprus Income Tax Law, offering valuable insights for companies engaged in or considering restructuring activities.

The circular begins by outlining the process for obtaining a tax clearance specifically for the purpose of confirming a corporate restructuring. This document serves as an initial step, indicating the Tax Department’s intention to confirm that a proposed restructuring plan falls within the provisions of Part VI of the Income Tax Law.

Companies seeking such a clearance must follow the procedures detailed in previous circulars (2015/13 and 2016/13), both titled “Issuance of Tax Clearances.” It’s crucial to note that this initial clearance is distinct from the final certificate of exemption from tax payment, which is issued at a later stage of the process.

Application Process

To initiate the process, companies must submit Form E.Pr.88 to their local District Tax Office. This form should be accompanied by all necessary supporting documentation, as specified in the form itself and in circular 2008/12 (“Certificates for Restructuring Purposes”). The Tax Department emphasizes that while a tax clearance may be issued based on this initial application, it does not constitute the final certificate of exemption.

Timing of Tax Exemption Claims

One of the most significant clarifications provided by the circular concerns the timing of tax exemption claims related to restructuring activities. Companies involved in a restructuring are permitted to claim relevant tax exemptions in their tax returns, even if the Tax Department has not yet completed its examination of the restructuring application.

However, the circular clearly states that the actual exemption of transactions from tax liability is contingent upon the Tax Department’s issuance of the final Certificate of exemption from tax payment. This approach allows companies to proceed with their tax filings while awaiting final confirmation, potentially reducing administrative burdens and timing conflicts.

Conditions for Issuing the Certificate of Exemption

The circular outlines specific conditions that must be met before the Tax Department will issue the final Certificate of exemption from tax payment due to corporate restructuring:

  1. Completion of examination: The Tax Department must finish its review of the restructuring plan and application.
  2. Settlement of tax obligations: All companies involved in the restructuring must settle their outstanding tax obligations. This includes: a) Obligations arising from tax returns due up to the date of the restructuring application. b) Provisional tax and self-assessments with payment deadlines up to the certificate issuance date. c) In cases of company dissolution, all tax returns up to the dissolution date must be examined and cleared.

This comprehensive approach ensures that companies cannot use restructuring as a means to avoid existing tax liabilities.

Application Deadlines

The circular provides clear guidance on application deadlines for confirmation of corporate restructuring plans:

  1. Standard deadline: Applications must be submitted by the deadline for filing the company’s tax return for the tax year in which the restructuring was completed.
  2. Early submission option: The Tax Commissioner may accept applications submitted before the commencement of a tax audit or examination of any company involved in the restructuring. Companies must notify the Tax Department in writing before the audit begins to take advantage of this option.
  3. Post-dissolution applications: For restructurings involving company dissolutions, successor companies may submit applications after the dissolution, provided they do so by the tax return deadline for the year of restructuring. Late applications in these cases will not be accepted.

The circular references Implementing Directive 03/2020 for the definition of when a tax audit or examination is considered to have commenced. This typically occurs upon written notification to the taxable person or upon submission of an application for a tax clearance certificate.

Transitional Provisions

Recognizing that some restructurings may have occurred before the issuance of this guidance, the circular includes important transitional provisions. For corporate restructurings that took place in tax years prior to 2023 (i.e., years for which the tax return submission deadline has already passed), companies have until December 31, 2024, to submit their applications for confirmation of the restructuring plan.

This grace period provides a valuable opportunity for companies to ensure compliance and potentially benefit from tax exemptions for past restructurings that may not have been properly documented or confirmed at the time.

 Implications and Considerations

The guidance provided in Circular xx/2024 offers several benefits to companies engaged in corporate restructurings in Cyprus:

  1. Clarity on processes: By detailing the steps from initial tax clearance to final exemption certificate, the circular reduces uncertainty in the restructuring process.
  2. Flexibility in tax filings: Allowing companies to claim exemptions before receiving final confirmation helps avoid delays in tax return submissions.
  3. Comprehensive review: The requirements for settling all tax obligations ensure a thorough examination of a company’s tax position before granting restructuring-related exemptions.
  4. Opportunity for compliance: The transitional provisions offer a chance to address past restructurings that may not have been properly documented.

However, companies should also be aware of potential challenges:

  1. Documentation requirements: The need for comprehensive supporting documentation may increase the administrative burden on companies.
  2. Timing considerations: While exemptions can be claimed early, final confirmation is still required, potentially leading to adjustments if the application is not approved.
  3. Audit risk: The option for early submission before a tax audit may prompt companies to file applications preemptively, potentially triggering closer scrutiny.


Circular xx/2024 represents a significant development in Cyprus’s approach to corporate restructuring taxation. By clarifying procedures, timelines, and requirements for various types of restructuring activities, the Tax Department aims to facilitate smoother restructuring processes while maintaining necessary oversight. Companies considering or currently engaged in restructuring activities in Cyprus should carefully review this guidance and consider seeking professional advice to ensure compliance and maximize potential tax benefits. As the business landscape continues to evolve, such clear regulatory frameworks will be crucial in maintaining Cyprus’s attractiveness as a corporate domicile and facilitating efficient corporate reorganizations.



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